Makefile to run a clojure app in docker

Let’s say we have a small clojure app with two files:


(set-env! :resource-paths #{"src"})


(ns hello)

(defn say-hello
  (println "hello"))

(defn -main

And we want to run this app via docker called via a Makefile. These are the steps you need to do:

Add a run boot task to the build.boot file:

(require '[hello])

(deftask run []
  (with-pass-thru _

Create a Makefile with the run target:

	docker run --rm -e BOOT_LOCAL_REPO=/usr/src/app/.m2 -it -w /usr/src/app -v ${PWD}:/usr/src/app clojure:boot-alpine \
     boot run

Now you can run simply by doing:

make run

It is also useful to add a REPL target to the makefile:

	docker run --rm -e BOOT_LOCAL_REPO=/usr/src/app/.m2 -it -w /usr/src/app -v ${PWD}:/usr/src/app clojure:boot-alpine \
     boot repl